About Marie D’Avalon

Marie is an intuitive life coach based in Sydney, Australia.  As a Scorpio sun sign she has gone through several transformative experiences in her life and brings those experiences to bear in her work as a life coach.

Her earlier professional career was spent working as an IT professional in the corporate sector. In this capacity she consulted primarily to the banking and telecommunication sectors, both in Australia and overseas.

At 40 years of age when, after a great deal of soul searching, she contemplated becoming a parent.  The journey to motherhood began with a struggle to overcome deep seated fears around parenting and then became a physical and emotional battle to actually conceive a child.  Three years of fertility treatment ensued, during which she miscarried twin sons and ultimately gave birth to a baby girl.  Joy turned to concern when it became apparent that the much hoped for child was afflicted with mental health issues.  Many years of medical assessments and interventions followed, during which Marie’s own health deteriorated and her marriage broke down.  In the interests of her own health and well being of her daughter, she mustered the courage to leave the family home and establish a new life for herself. This was no easy decision as Marie was in her 50’s by now and had not worked in a paid role for twelve years. Nonetheless she forged ahead with her plans to move house and locality. She trained as a life coach, set up her own business, reduced her expenditure and adjusted to the reality of being a part-time parent.  She also confronted the emotional and practical challenges associated with dissolving her marriage within a system that places its own burden on separating couples.

Paradoxically the trauma experienced during the last couple of years of her marriage led to a spiritual re-awakening and a quest to establish a more meaningful life.  The imperative to earn an income, combined with the desire to utilise her talents in a more meaningful way, led to her choice of life coaching as a new career direction.  Fortunately, her natural intuitive ability has been enhanced by the spiritual gifts which accompanied her re-awakening.  These gifts include channelling, past life insights and the abiity to ‘decode’ the symbolic language of the universe.  Marie sees her role going forward as assisting others who are endeavouring transform their lives so as to become more authentic versions of themselves and, in so doing, walk the path of individuation. Giving birth is a painful business and, having successfully navigated the transition to a new life, Marie now wishes to extend her guidance and understanding to others who are on the same path.

Marie is writing a book which documents her personal journey of individuation. She also maintains blogs on the topics of transformation and spirituality.  When not writing or coaching she enjoys spending time with her daughter, researching life’s mysteries and exercising.

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