What is Individuation?

Individuation is most famously associated with Carl Jung’s process of Individuation, however there are many others that have expounded on what is essentially a journey to return to wholeness through discovering your true self and your soul’s intentions for this lifetime.  It is the bridge of transformation which leads to self actualisation. Along the way comes the realisation that, while we have a unique offering to make the world, we are also an expression of the underlying force which connects all of life.  A wave upon the ocean which rises up to take its own form but, ultimately, returns to the ocean from whence it came.

The individuation journey requires us to find and accept the broken, rejected and repressed parts of ourselves, to recognise past trauma for what it is and heal the wounds that are holding us back from moving into a more expansive, authentic existence.  By bringing the unconscious to light we can blend intuitive knowing with our conscious minds in order to achieve wholeness. Only then can we tune into our soul’s calling and fulfil our greatest potential as human beings.

Joseph Campbell likened the process of individuation to the hero’s journey and, indeed, there are many parallels between the two.  Both involve courage, tests, allies and enemies, ordeals, transformation, a reward and return to the ordinary world with a treasure.  In the case of individuation, the journey takes you inwards in a quest for self discovery and growth.  Paradoxically it is by journeying into our inner centre that we are able to escape the confines of our limited existence.

As we bring the subconscious to light and discover our true identity, we leave behind the need to follow the herd and consensus views.  We stand apart and think for ourselves.  We go our own way, irrespective of what our friends, family and others might think.  When this happens we know we have received the call to individuate. The inner longing of our soul is seeking to balance its needs with the yearning of our ego, and we sacrifice the life we have known to date in order to realise our higher purpose.

The journey is not for the faint of heart, but borne more easily if we understand that, in heeding our soul’s call, we will find greater fulfilment and meaning in life.  The path of individuation is driven by spirit and, as such, our contribution will also be of benefit to others (whether we realise it or not).

We will all receive the call to individuate at some stage in our lives.  Whether we choose to heed it or not is one of personal choice.  However, the call to transform and adapt to new ways of being grows more urgent as we approach the dawn of  a new age.  We need to act now if we are to be ready to meet the challenges it presents.

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Published by

Starburst Wisdom

Marianne Schmidt is an educator, disability support worker, Airbnb Host and mother based in Sydney, Australia. She has a background in information technology and holds degrees in Science and Business Administration. Her interests include ancient history, astrology, numerology, science, spirituality, reincarnation, metaphysics, gifted education, child development and social advocacy.

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